Old School Gamer Review Presents: TMNT: Turtles In Time

Turtles_in_Time_(SNES_cover)Children of the 90s please! Please calm down…stop screaming! I know I know…this game defined your childhood, yada yada…However, let me give the readers who for some reason have no clue as to who the Turtles are…a clue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began as a comic book(a much more violent and disturbing comic book) and became extremely successful and popular due to a self-titled morning cartoon show. Like everything else in the 90s it had to have not only a television show, but a board game, t-shirts, jewelry, a series of video games, and spin-off toys guaranteed to catapult a child from excitement to tears on Christmas morning.


There were a few different games, but today we are reviewing the arcade port of the Turtles in Time “episode.” So let’s take a journey with a few pizza eating turtles, through time!


tmnt story

After a hard day of training, chowing down on pizza, exchanging hilarious quips and whatever else New Yorkers do. The Turtles sit down to watch catch their favorite news anchor on television. Before their very eyes Krang (who now has wings) makes off with the entire statue of liberty! Shredder immediately takes credit for it and the TMNT team is off to catch him. They eventually catch up to Shredder and seemingly defeat him. However he has one last trick up his sleeve. It’s all been a trap!

its a trap

Uh…thanks Admiral “after the fact.” Anyway, he opens a portal in time and slings the Turtles into it. The TMNT team must fight their way through different time periods in order to get back to present day New York!

Cast of Characters

Select screenThe playable characters are Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. April O’neil and Master Splinter makes an appearance as well as several villains from the show.


gameplay turtlesThe infamous screen toss! The controls are great, extremely fluid. If you want to sling your swords around you can do that, somebody comes up from behind? BAM! Kick to the chin while you still face the other way. Oh that bad guy’s getting on your nerves? Sling him into the screen! The controls for this gameplay are amazing. Very inventive for its time period. Not to mention it’s a giant mess of four player, beat-em up, Turtle-ey goodness!


turtles fightThe graphics are great for the time. The backgrounds are simple but well done. The picture up there clearly shows the Empire State Building lit up as it is at night. That’s a nice touch to add to the great animation that’s going on. It really looks just like the cartoon show, and that’s really what you need when creating a game like this, and for the techies-

Raster graphics
Horizontal orientation
Resolution: 288×224 pixels
Refresh rate: 60.00 Hz
2048 colors


turtles-in-time-gameplay1The music is great. Why? Because it’s the music from the actual television show, changed to reflect the period of time that you are playing in at the time!

The Test Of Time

Sit down around the SNES and play this little ditty. Seriously you will have some of the most fun ever. Side-scrollers are oft forgotten in this generation, which is sad because they were some of the greatest games to play. Especially the 4 player beat-em ups. Yes it’s very fun to snipe your friend in the head on HALO, but teaming up with him to take down Shredder is even more fun! Wave after wave of enemies through different time periods, as well as different difficulty levels will keep you busy for some time.

Final Score

5-StarsFive stars! Great controls, cool comic book storyline, multi-player, and you can throw people into the screen! How cool is that? Unfortunately if it were released today I don’t think it would get a chance. Ah such is life. If you get a chance get this game and play with a friend!

Thanks for reading!


Brian Bell-Wiseguy Industries

Old school video game review: Megaman X2!


Hello all, tonight is the night I finished playing Megaman X2. Megaman X 2 is the follow up(obviously) to the wildly successful and critically acclaimed Megaman revamp, Megaman X. So without further ado, let’s get this show started!


megaman x 2 again

Its been six months since the storyline of the first Megaman X game. Sigma has been defeated however a few of his followers, “Mavericks”, are still very active. A group of them have stolen the parts to Zero’s body and have set up an elaborate plan to cause the downfall of X. Several reploids have joined together to for a team in order to help Sigma’s followers to complete their heinous plan. It’s up to X to find Zero’s parts, infiltrate the reploid’s bases, and stop the robots from starting war with the humans!

Cast of Characters

mm zero

The good guys

Megaman X


Dr. Cain

Dr. Light

The Mavericks

Wheel Gator

Bubble Crab

Flame Stag

Morph Moth

Magna Centipede

Crystal Snail

Overdrive Ostrich

Wire Sponge

X hunters





gameplay mm

The gameplay is a simple, yet effective evolution of the first game. You still have the charge shot, you can jump off walls, and this time (thankfully) you start off with the dash.  There are 8 bosses and as you beat them you will be upgraded with their special weapon. If you are attentive and have a little skill you will find secret capsule and health upgrades provided by Doctor Light. As with any good games, the gameplay forces you to adapt.  Its a side scroller with many “secret” areas and  wave after wave of enemies.


graphics 2

Huge colorful levels with memorable bosses. Starting from the beginning you have larger than life bosses and enemies. Everything looks amazing especially giving the fact that its SNES. Capcom developed a new chip they called C4 to up the graphics capabilities of the SNES. Everything looks great.



You can’t talk about Megaman without talking about the amazing music. Great music is one of the staples of this series, something the fans always expect when purchasing the game. X2 delivers on all accounts. Each level has its own theme song and each boss has his own music as well. Well done, well thought out and each theme properly fit the level that it was used on.


Definitely stand! You can pick up this game at anytime and I don’t think it will EVER seem old. The story, the music, the gameplay all mesh together to make one amazing experience. Plus you can do this!


uppercut 2 uppercut 3 uppercut 4

(you have to know where to look)


5-StarsFive stars!

If this game were released today it would sell out. Games like this are a little under appreciated these days. However I believe with word of mouth and the internet, it would be a HIT.

Thanks for reading!


Brian Bell-Wiseguy Industries

Old School Video Game Review: Bebe’s Kids SNES


Ok so my parent’s got me this game and I always thought it was interesting. Interesting here being a very subjective word as this game induced several incidences of hair being ripped out, curses being said, and the occasional kitten being kicked across the room. This review will be extremely brief.

DON’T PLAY THIS GAME. It sucks. Seriously the controls suck, the actions you can actually do when you figure out the asinine controls, suck. If you manage to get through the first extremely boring level, you won’t make it out of the haunted house. There is almost no way to figure out how to get through it and if you DO figure it out then you just wasted 40+ hours of your life you could’ve spent doing something vastly more important. Maybe like clipping your toenails or staring into the mirror and saying bloody mary three times.

The music is repetitive (hey yo *pause* hey yo! Bebe’s kiiiids for 24 hours straight), graphics are decent but its hard to tell where you are in terms of depth on screen.

This gets no stars, I’m not even going to upload the pictures of gameplay or the pictures of no stars I’m just going to repeat, DO NOT GET THIS TERRIBLE GAME!

Thanks for reading


Brian Bell-Wiseguy Industries

Sony just kicked Xbox’s Butt R.I.P Microsoft

So E3 yesterday was a big event. It was great we heard from Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. I also released my prediction about the Xbox’s chances moments before the reveal. All I can say is WOW I mean…WOW. Sony basically watched Microsoft dig its own grave and effectively shoved them into it on E3. Microsoft might as well rename it D-Day on their calenders. The day the real gamers packed up their controllers and headed over to Japan and with them they shall take the interests of the non gamers who deem it necessary to purchase a console. I’m not even going to talk about Wii U because…I mean it’s Wii U what’s there to talk about?

I can’t lie to you, I’m pretty upset Microsoft. I mean I’ve been a die-hard Xbox fan since the original console broke free in 2001. I got that console as a Christmas present and began dutifully building my game reserve including titles such as Halo (obiviously), Madden, Legacy of Kain, Advent Rising, and the like. Ever since then I was Xbox all the way. I worked hard to save up enough money to get my 360, then proceeded to get Halo 3 and 4, Gears of war 1-3, dead space, lost planet, stranglehold, and more. I paid for my Xbox Live subscription and played the games online and watched netflix. I even got the Kinect and three games for it. I marveled at how I could wave my hand and it would cycle through the options. I could speak and it could hear and take commands. I loved my Xbox and I loved my 360 so when I heard news of a new Xbox console on the horizon after oh so many years I was quite enthused to say the least(why am I talking like that? Its late forgive me).

However news of the Xbox1 was all bad in my eyes from the boxy VCR style design to the “always online” issue(has to be connected to the net every 24 hours), to the no games from friends(has to be through the cloud system, you must be signed in to get to your game). It seemed like they put all of the resources not into making a better system(the xbox’s pure power pales in comparison to the PS4’s) but into making a box that would suck up the money from your wallets, pockets, and couch cushions. FOR SHAME Microsoft. That’s exactly where my prediction came in. My line of thinking was that if Sony was smart they’d focus on what historically sells consoles, power, games, and compatibility. Everybody buys used games, its just the way things are. Its not really hurting the companies pockets because at the end of the day the amount of people that buy the used games would never buy the games at full price anyway. They are literally only buying the games because they are used and at a reasonably lower price. Yet Microsoft insisted on going with a “perception profit” style instead of a “realistic profit” style. Realistically the reception of this E3 has been nothing short of the worlds roughest knockout blow.

Uh yeah sony’s the one doing all the flips

See Microsoft forgot what this entire industry is really based on, gamers. Nintendo didn’t forget with the Wii who apparently they are trying to emulate in terms of grabbing an audience that doesn’t really use consoles. Yet in reality most of Wii’s sales were motivated by gamers who loved the new spin. The new spin just happened to be something that was extremely accessible to those who don’t usually play video games. This whole Television thing is not going to do Xbox one any good. Why pay extra for something I already have a box for?

So basically Sony let everyone question their motives on why they were staying silent and they let Microsoft feel smart by talking and talking. Then they took the stage and delivered death blows to their competition. “Yes you can buy used games.” The crowd exploded which is funny because that’s really the bare minimum we really want to know about backwards compatibility but because Microsoft set the bar so low its just something that needs to be cheered for. We can take our games to our friends house and play them on the Ps4. Which after the amount of time they’ve spent making everything a co-op and everything multi-player you’d also think THAT was bare minimum as well. Then we get to the price…Xbox’s hefty 499 price tag for something that everyone is already have MORE than second thoughts on is going to be a huge obstacle to conquer whereas PS4 right now has all the positive press and media generated AND a 399 price tag. A hundred bucks cheaper and an already better looking deal if the Xbox was exactly the same price, that comparison alone is enough to warrant switching your preferences. If there was anyone in the middle they’ve probably shifted to Sony just based off the price.

The only thing that can save Xbox at this point is the games. However to tell the truth they are on their fifth halo their fourth Gears of war…I don’t know if there is anything left for them to do that will be so amazing that I’d have to get THIS console. Even still Sony announced Kingdom Hearts three. KH3! PEOPLE! First that game is one of the best ever with one of the best sequels ever. If you go back and watch the original intro movie the graphics more than stand up and that was on the ps2. Imagine what they are going to do with the ps4! That’s just one game people, they also have series over at Sony that will be coming back bigger and better on the ps4. Xbox has a few good games coming but none so much that will make it so that those who must make a choice between the two will choose them.

Xbox…you just got KNOCKED OUT.

Sony walks the boulevard of broken microsoft dreams while pondering how to save a life
Sony walks the boulevard of broken microsoft dreams while pondering how to save a life

I’ll be reserving my ps4 as soon as I get the money. So sad I really was looking forward to you Xbox1 but…I just can’t throw away money like that. R.I.P Microsoft gaming…maybe try the hand held arena?

P.S Nintendo has a new Zelda coming out for the hand held based on a link to the past also the Smash Bros for the Wii U has been announced.

P.P.S or whatever you’re supposed to say. As I finished writing this and casually clicked over to my Facebook page I saw an update from IGN saying that “Mad Max” has been announced for the PS4…ok Sony…now you’re just being mean the ref already counted to ten why are you still hitting him?

Says it all
Says it all

Thanks for reading.


Brian Bell-Wiseguy Industries

Xbox One Follow Up-The Prediction

Ok so if you haven’t heard the Xbox One was shown awhile ago at a large demonstration in Seattle and London. I was following the show and made an article which you can view here. With the rest of the world tuned in on their television sets Microsoft rolled out their plan for the new Xbox console which can be broken down to Television and Xbox equals Chocolate and Peanut Butter.

Ugh it always goes straight to my hips, then my gums bleed out, but its totally worth it
Ugh it always goes straight to my hips, then my gums bleed out, but its totally worth it

They spoke about the new Kinect which will come with the Xbox, the compatibility with the television, and the Halo show. However in their little presentation they neglected to mention some of the flaws (outside of the name) but our friendly neighborhood Sony was more than happy to tweet shady remarks about them until we could finally see them ourselves. However before we get into strictly Xbox problems, the need to address the state of the gamer nation is high so this I shall do.

Ok the trend of the industry moving away from the gamers has been long documented. We’ve seen it and especially with the advent of the Wii, we’ve lived it. I mean they really were able to capitalize on people who never would have played games before. That’s great, whoop-ti-doo great for you Nintendo really, but who do you think introduced these foreigners to the games in the first place. That’s right, the hardcore gamers. If you piss off these people NOBODY will buy your product because WE are the experts, not your fancy advertisement campaigns with your clever phrases and puns. Not your millions of dollars that you spent developing the product. No it is US the Gamer Nation that holds the fate of your company in our hands…and we…are a butterfingery bunch. Why the slightest aggravation could cause us to lose our grip!

Just try us
Just try us

Even deeper down the rabbit hole you’ll find Gamestop which uses the slogan “power to the player”. Yeah I remember when that actually used to be TRUE for them. I’d get a game maybe it was already scratched, maybe somehow it got scratched the same day I bought it, either way it was “Power to the player” and I got another disc. Now they try to swindle even more money out of you by requiring that you buy an insurance policy. That’s right they now want you to pay for something they used to do for FREE. The reason this messes with me is because it is one of the MAIN reasons I went to them because lord knows I wasn’t selling them any of my games. However this is just another facet of the move away from hardcore gamers. Microsoft sees this and is going right along with it so now that you have that back story, let’s get into the issues with the one they call….the one…for whatever reason.

Dude just call it the first thing that comes to mind and lets move on
Dude just call it the first thing that comes to mind and lets move on


First off it comes with the Kinect which sounds great BUT that’s probably going to drive the price up. Now if later on I discover this is not the case and the price is around the same price as the 360 was (plus inflation) then I shall retract this statement. However any way to make an extra buck seems to be Microsoft’s saying these days so I doubt I’ll be doing that. Also the reason that the Kinect comes with it is that it will be MANDATORY for ALL GAMES. Now that doesn’t mean that you will have to use it as a controller in every game. I’m sure they won’t have you leaping about the room to the next Final Fantasy game. However it will be used for everything from turning on the Xbox to in-game controls by reading your game controller. It can be a good or bad thing however I’d love to have a choice in the matter. Don’t get me wrong I totally went out and bought a Kinect and thoroughly enjoyed all three games I ever played on it. It’s a great concept and it’s nice to see that they have enough dedication to it to do something like this. Yet it just seems to be a bit of a stretch just like…

The Xbox1 Look


Ok so many people around the net noticed this so I’m glad I’m not the only one. Does it look like a 90s VCR to any of you? For those of you who don’t know what a VCR is…grow up and stop making me feel old. The Xbox1 looks big and clunky, a direct opposition to what they pushed with the curvy (kind of) 360. I loved the look of the 360 and to replace it with this mess just seems crude. It looks like a generic box, and not much fun. Usually in advertisement you DO judge a book by its cover and this one looks like some boring book about the growth cycles of worms.

Sounds fascinating!
Sounds fascinating!

Internet Connection

So apparently you will HAVE to have the internet to use this system. Every 24 hours it must be connected to the internet which SUCKS. I mean seriously to play a game that I bought, with my money, from your company, I have to then pay another company 25 plus bucks a month to get access to play it??? What sense does that make? None and yes it’s been confirmed that even offline activities will require this. This leads me to believe that Microsoft has a very narrow view of economics. See if you buy something one time that means you saved up for it. Even if you couldn’t afford this Xbox every month, you can afford it maybe once a year or maybe once every two years, but now that you have to factor in the additional internet costs…it’s just not going to work for a lot of people. Especially for people outside of America who you do realize, are also an entirely large market. I know people take it for granted that internet access is there for everyone but that’s just the problem, when making a multi-million dollar investment, you can’t just assume.

No Used Games

As per their new philosophy of get every penny out of their pockets no matter how much it pisses them off, they’ve outlawed used games. Simply put you will have to pay for every game even if your friend brings over his copy of the game. Say little Johnny is all excited about Halo 5 and you plan on going through it on the co-op modes which by the way for YEARS they’ve been making so much more intricate because we’ve demanded it. Ok so he brings the game over you pop it in and because you are connected to the internet they immediately recognize that this is not a game that you have paid for and they shut your share happy butt right down.

Pictured: Bill Gates
Pictured: Bill Gates

Yep not so much fun for you and little Johnny is it? This is a shameless attempt on Microsoft’s part to stem the tide of people moving from brand new purchases to second-hand gaming. See games have always been on the expensive side but ever since they jacked the price up to $60 a game people have been throwing money at Ebay and Gamestop to get their games. Ever since that explosion happened the console creators that be have been scheming to get their paws on some of that sweet sweet cash. It wouldn’t be good enough to cut down the price about five dollars to see more people buy directly from them. They want to make it so that we the gamers have no choice but to crawl to them with our hands out begging.

sigh…it’s never enough is it?

No Backwards Compatibility

This one just doesn’t make any sense. I tried to make it make sense by saying “maybe they think everyone will just buy second-hand” but even that doesn’t fit because nintendo released Zelda on Gamecube and Wii and both did extremely well on both systems. This has been the case for many systems, Sony was still releasing titles on the ps2 for quite a while after the ps3 was released. Xbox one really through me for a loop. I’m supposing (if one will allow a supposition) that this was merely a side effect of the programming used to keep people from playing second-hand games. I mean we haven’t forgotten that red ring mess Microsoft so you are really going to have to prove yourself this time, and this mess isn’t helping your cause at all. I’m a die-hard gears of war, Halo fan but man this is ROUGH territory right here.

So Microsoft I love my Xbox 360, I loved my Xbox, and I really thank you for everything you’ve done with both. I mean I had about 90 games on the Xbox and 2 original Xbox consoles with 8 controllers. I sold all of it for the 360 and currently have about 50 games on that. I really do hope that I’ll find some reason to get this Xbox1 but as a gamer…I can’t see it. However I’m still going to keep my excitement and hope up for this console because I want it to be great.

C'mon get it together pleaaasseeee!
C’mon get it together pleaaasseeee!


Yet my official prediction for this system hinges on the oh so little knowledge of the competition. I really know nothing about the Wii U and plan on keeping it that way. The ps4 isn’t backwards compatible either but its a more powerful system but they still never fully utilized the ps3’s full potential. I’d say the fields are pretty even and after ps4 is rolled out we’ll really see. Right now I’d say Microsoft is going to take a loss, they’ve put the ball in Sony’s court, if they play along and do what Microsoft did then the gamers are screwed and we won’t have a choice. But if Sony gives in and keeps the used games as an option then Microsoft loses everything.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found it informative and entertaining as usual you guys are the best!


Brian Bell – Wiseguy Industries

The 3 most promising Survival Horror console games 2013

I haven’t always been a fan of the survival horror genre…but that was only because when I was younger my parents wouldn’t allow certain games in the house. So yes I missed out on the first resident evil, silent hill, ok and the second resident evil. However eventually I was exposed to a little known game called “The Suffering” and my life changed. Resident evil 4 came after that and solidified my love for the genre so much so that I went back and played catch up with some of the other games. Since then my affair with these games has been a strained one. Many games claiming to be survival horror are at best action games with a few cheap jumps thrown in there. A few stand above the rest like Dead Space (oh how I love that game) Alan Wake, and Siren 3(I was lucky enough to play on a friends ps3). Now it seems with the critical failure of RE6 people realize they need to get back to their roots with this thing and now we are seeing a few games with some really good promise on the consoles and on the PC they are REALLY exploding(but we’ll cover those later). So without further ado let’s get into the list with…

#3 Until Dawn

This game takes the age-old tale of promiscuous teenagers in a cabin and a killer and puts you in control. Seems straight forward enough, the thing is they’ve made this game 2 player and it looks pretty interesting. You use a flashlight and a torch via the Playstation’s move controller which seems like a newer take on the Alan Wake formula. The thing about that is it can be tricky. If you had told me before Alan Wake was teased(forever ago I know) that a flashlight would be my only weapon, I don’t think I would’ve had too much hope for that title. I mean variety is one of the best parts of any game but Alan Wake pulled it off with various upgrades and a few choice other weapons. So with this one I’m holding a little torch of hope.


Ok you got me…so not much is known about this game but from what we DO know, it looks like it will be amazing. See its a game by none other than academy award winning and freaky creature creator, Guillermo del Toro.


That’s correct Del Toro is getting into the video game field and the first game he’s making is a survival horror game. With his track record I’m sure at the very least the story will be compelling. The gameplay however is still up in the air as I’m not sure who the developer will be. Its still in production but he’s looking for a developer. The game is rumored to be based off the writings of H.P Lovecraft. Lets hope this one makes it!

#1 The Evil Within

Created by the originator of the Resident Evil series, this games trailer alone got me excited. I randomly clicked on the video while browsing facebook and was extremely impressed with what I saw. The game looks extremely dark, the trailer itself is scary and doesn’t look like the thrills will get old either. Everything looks eerie and the atmosphere is really what gives you the most scare in any horror venue be it a Stephen King novel or a haunted house. Here’s the plot of the story I found

When Detective Sebastian and his partner rush to the scene of a gruesome mass murder, a mysterious, powerful force is lying in wait for them. Witnessing the killing of fellow police officers one after another, Sebastian is then attacked and loses consciousness. Waking up in a land where monsters are wandering about, he has to fight his way through a world of death and his close friend’s madness in order to understand what’s going on. Sebastian has to face his fears in order to survive on a journey to discover what lies in the shadows of that mysterious force.

The plot seems like it will put you right back into the ORIGINAL survival horror driver’s seat. This means low ammo, hard times, and extreme scares. I can’t wait for this one to terrify me!

That’s my list for now I’ll keep you updated! Thanks for reading!


Brian Bell-Wiseguy Industries